Prayer of Thankfulness and Preparation

Soverign Lord, I praise you for your supremacy. All authority is yours. You are the rightful ruler of all. Thank you for prompting your church to help the poor and needy in so many ways. Thank you for those who have offered encouragement in the form of words, prayers, gifts, and service during this time of preparation. I pray that this tool might be a source of blessing for those whose heart is broken for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. According to your word, I pray for the Hatian people: answer them in their distress; protect them with your name; send help; grant support; help them rise up and stand firm; fill them with joy and peace as they trust in you; help them overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit; fill them with the knowledge of your will through all wisdom and understanding, endurance and patience. May your cause prosper among the nations so that in everything you might be glorified in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Encouragement from LN family one week out

Preparation continues. Met with Travel Medicine nurse yesterday and got my Typhoid injection and script for chloroquine (anti-malarial). Then dropped off 20 large plastic tubs at Grace CC to fill with supplies for our trip. Met Aaron (the pastor leading the trip) face to face for the first time. I am so honored that Grace is allowing me to be a part of the trip and am looking forward to getting to know these brothers and sisters.
I have been enjoying a tremendous amount of encouragement from staff and students at LN. Dennis will be praying for me while praying for the persecuted church next week. Carolyn and Betsy took me out to eat tonight. Betsy offered a beautiful prayer asking God to bless my time in Haiti and those we serve there...and even remembered to thank Him for the food. She is a skilled and compassionate listener. Carolyn expresses love in a multitude of ways. I learn so much from her gift of hospitality as well as the wisdom she expresses so gently. I anticipate having opportunities to imitate their examples in Haiti.... to hear stories and offer help and compassion and prayer. I am reading psalms that cry out to God for mercy and help.
This morning I read Ps. 86. tonight I pray: "all the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name" Amen.

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