Prayer of Thankfulness and Preparation

Soverign Lord, I praise you for your supremacy. All authority is yours. You are the rightful ruler of all. Thank you for prompting your church to help the poor and needy in so many ways. Thank you for those who have offered encouragement in the form of words, prayers, gifts, and service during this time of preparation. I pray that this tool might be a source of blessing for those whose heart is broken for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. According to your word, I pray for the Hatian people: answer them in their distress; protect them with your name; send help; grant support; help them rise up and stand firm; fill them with joy and peace as they trust in you; help them overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit; fill them with the knowledge of your will through all wisdom and understanding, endurance and patience. May your cause prosper among the nations so that in everything you might be glorified in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My "Gift of Tongues"

One thing I was concerned about before I left was the difficulty communicating in Creole. Each day every team member was assigned a different translator. These young people were college students before the quake and now the schools are closed. Many are living in tent camps and not sleeping and eating well.
So I prayed that God would give me the gift of tongues or somehow help me to express His love to the people that I am serving. I found that touch is a great form of communication. I tried to always touch the patient I was seeing even if they were there for something simple. But the praimary way that God answered my prayer was through this young man, Mo. He worked with me all week and was such a great example of a servant. He asked the young women very personal questions in such a gentle way. He spoke to the older women with such respect. He played and held the children and was friendly and comforting to the young men his age. And he watched out for me. Making sure I was drinking enough water and didn't fall out of the truck.
I will miss him so much and will always remember him. His love for people and for God gives me hope for this Haiti and also for Lawrence North High School. It reminds me of the verse in
Acts 2:17 that says "in the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below.. and everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved."

1 comment:

  1. I have chills from reading that, Robin. Just awesome...thank you for your testimony! I love you!
