Prayer of Thankfulness and Preparation

Soverign Lord, I praise you for your supremacy. All authority is yours. You are the rightful ruler of all. Thank you for prompting your church to help the poor and needy in so many ways. Thank you for those who have offered encouragement in the form of words, prayers, gifts, and service during this time of preparation. I pray that this tool might be a source of blessing for those whose heart is broken for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. According to your word, I pray for the Hatian people: answer them in their distress; protect them with your name; send help; grant support; help them rise up and stand firm; fill them with joy and peace as they trust in you; help them overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit; fill them with the knowledge of your will through all wisdom and understanding, endurance and patience. May your cause prosper among the nations so that in everything you might be glorified in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beautiful Flamande

We went to church in Chambrun today at Pastor Pierre's church. After about 10 minutes, I decided to stand in the back since the church was getting very crowded. When I got to the back of the church, I saw this baby and her mom come in. I saw her mom in the clinic yesterday but she didn't have the baby with her. I saw the baby on a blog before the trip. I asked her mom if I could hold her and she said yes. I sat and cried like a baby holding and rocking her for 3 hours. (yes, church lasts that long here and everyone sits on wood benches) I felt like Joey was there with us and told her that she would be seeing him soon. Her mom told me after church-through an interpreter- that nothing can be done for her. She carries the baby everywhere and she is so heavy. Her head must be 10 pounds. She is one year old and cannot move her legs. She did not seem to track with her eyes, so I don't think she can see. I asked her mom if she had a buggy or a seat to put her in. She said she does not and carries her to church. She lives approx. 2 miles away. At home she lays on a bed but sometimes rolls off on to the floor. I would like to send a stroller with a big wheel on the front that can roll easily on the rocks. I think I can send the stroller with the second team. The pastor told me that this stroller would improve she and her mom's life in a huge way. It was so great for me to see her mom able to worship and raise her hands while I held the baby. Mom said that she does not have help with her and has another child at home. The people in her village are kind, but do not help with her.

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